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FY2012 Budget: Attacks on community-based services for all people with disabilities

"Save the Safety Net" Budget Fact Sheet (PDF)

Self-Directed Supports

Understanding Self-Direction for People with Developmental Disabilities:
A Choice for Change in Illinois
Executive Summary (PDF)
Full Report (PDF)

Medicaid Managed Care

Community for All Coalition Fact Sheet (PDF)

Studies regarding institutionalization versus community-based services for people with disabilities.

Research on Deinstitutionalization
Research Summary (PDF)
The Deinstitutionalization of America (PDF)

Behavioral Outcomes of Deinstitutionalization: 1980-1999 (PDF)

Cost Studies
The Institutional Bias in Illinois (PDF)

State of the States on Developmental Disabilities: 2008 Summary (PDF)

The Olmstead Decision
The Opinion (PDF)

BLueprint logoBlueprint for System Redesign in Illinois
Summary (PDF)
Full Report (PDF)


Resources on community life and empowerment of people with disabilities:

Disability Beat Radio Program
Disability Beat logoDisability Beat is a public affairs radio program dedicated to people with disabilities. It is about social justice, community supports, accessibility, freedom, and choice. To learn more about Disability Beat and to listen to archived shows, check out www.disabilitybeat.com.

Ziyayushchie Vysoty (The Yawning Heights) (PDF)
Amy Walker, Systems Change Activist with Illinois Voices critiques the Illinois disability system and offers a new framework for serving people with disabilities. Here is an excerpt from her essay: "During the Soviet period in Russia, Alexander Zinoviev wrote a book called The Yawning Heights. Zinoviev did not like the Soviet system, even though the leaders of the time compared following it to climbing a mountain and reaching great heights. Zinoviev thought that these “heights” of the Soviet system were only illusions, appearing to be mountains but actually being yawning canyons that people fell into and were swallowed up. I believe the system is that way."

The Disability Gulag  
New York Times Article by Harriet McBride Johnson

Toward a Culture of Individualized Empowerment (PDF) 
by Justin Dart, Jr.


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